Ministry opportunities are a bit like catching a bus… Wait out in the rain for years on end (especially where I come from in small-town UK) and then three show up at once. But it’s difficult to figure out which of the proposed ministry opportunities is a real opportunity, whereas I have never had a problem identifying a bus. This week there have been a couple of possible opportunities put our way; a new church plant, a new prison initiative, but at the moment it is hard to see whether either of them might go anywhere or if they’re just someone’s daydream on a rainy Tuesday. I guess even Google was once someone’s daydream… but then for every Google how many others never went anywhere? Pope Francisco the other week said something interesting which is that a church that looks inwards ends up sick, and a church that steps outside itself runs the risk of suffering an accident, but it is better to be “accidented” (you can say that in Spanish) from crossing the road than sick from navel gazing. So maybe it’s time for taking some new risks and see where we might end up.
Meanwhile I’m supposed to be writing a reflection on Rahab the prostitute (there’s an alternative career path if it all goes wrong…). So far I’ve got a main heading of “Uneducated foreign woman recognises a big God when she sees one, and ends up featured in the Hebrews hall of the Greats”. So now we need to unpack it.
But first I have to do something about lunch.